ATP Change Network

The ATP Change Network is responsible for supporting you and your colleagues throughout the transition to Workday and Huron Research Suite. Made of leaders from across the Universities of Wisconsin, the Change Network provides faculty and staff with the information needed to prepare for the launch of Workday in July 2025.

Change Network members:

  • Participate in monthly meetings
  • Ensure completion of campus readiness activities
  • Communicate with faculty and staff about ATP updates, details about changing business processes, and end-user training

Change Network Members

Readiness Teams

Campus Readiness Teams are now in place at every UW university. UW-Madison will also have Readiness Teams at the school, college, and division level.


At some universities, Readiness Teams may establish unit-level Ambassadors to serve as liaisons and help inform staff of upcoming changes.

A group of people sitting at a circular table and discussing

Systemwide Governance Groups

The UWs' established governance groups will provide the same change readiness information to your university through their established communications channels.

Close-up of huddled people with interlocking hands

UW-Madison Governance Groups

UW-Madison's established governance groups will provide the same change readiness information through their established communications channels.

Photograph of seated staff members participating in a meeting

Readiness Team Members

Sort or search the table below to find the Readiness Team contact at your institution.