Workday wordplay: Expense reports and Workday Mobile

Workday training for employees and managers starts in May, but you can start learning some of the terms related to expense reports and the Workday Mobile app.

The Workday Expenses Hub is where UW employees will create expense reports, upload and reconcile Shared Liability Card and UW Purchase Card charges, and see the status of submitted expense reports.

An Expense Report is an electronic submission to request reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses and to submit card-product expenses for approval. Common examples include out-of-pocket travel expenses and hosted meal/event expenses.

The Workday Mobile app allows workers to upload photos of their receipts to the Expenses Hub, as they get them.

A UW Purchasing Card (Pcard) may be used for best-judgement purchases <$5,000 and reconciled in the Expenses Hub.

A Shared Liability Card (currently known as a corporate card) may be used for travel-related expenses and reconciled in the Expenses Hub.

Learn more Workday Terms