Universities of Wisconsin employees will use Workday to see information related to their benefits and compensation.
Check out the Workday training schedule
Workday training begins next month for employees who work in finance, human resources, procurement, or research administration. All employees and managers can learn about Workday self-service features and more in May.
Review resources to prepare for Workday training in March
Workday training begins in two months, and ATP has developed several resources to help you get a smooth start.
Workday wordplay: Helpful terms for managers
If you manage employees, get to know the Workday terms related to the My Team Management dashboard, which lets you view worker information and complete supervisory tasks all in one place.
Start preparing for Workday training today
See what’s included in Workday training and what you can do now to be ready when training starts in March 2025.
Workday wordplay: Finance edition
Take a few more steps on the pathway to training when you learn these basic Workday finance terms.
Your pathway to Workday training starts here
Workday will go live in July 2025, and formal training begins in March 2025 for all Universities of Wisconsin employees. But if you work in finance, HR, or research administration, you’ll want to begin learning …
Campus representatives will get a close look, test Workday to prepare for go-live
Universities of Wisconsin staff who will use Workday for their daily work will give ATP feedback during User Experience Testing (UXT), from August to October 2024.
3 things to know about Workday training
ATP’s Training Team collaborates, evaluates, and draws on experience to create Workday training for UW staff.
What you need to know about Workday training
Workday training is scheduled to begin in March 2024 and will include a variety of materials and delivery methods.