Until Workday goes live in July 2024, the ATP Engagement and Readiness Team will host monthly Readiness Workshops that offer a high-level overview of Workday functionality. These introductory sessions will also provide a first look at some of the business processes we will complete in Workday. Training will take place in 2024, in the months leading up to go-live.
“With training over a year away, these previews of Workday will help staff anticipate the changes ahead and prepare for a successful implementation,” said Dusty Mattison, ATP Engagement Specialist. “I also hope people will see that using Workday will be similar to shopping or banking online. It takes some time to adjust and becomes easier the more we do it.”
Held in December, the first Readiness Workshop introduced the Workday landing page and employee self-service features. UW staff and faculty will be able to initiate many personal changes, including changing their legal and preferred name and adjusting withholding elections. The workshop also includes an overview of the roles of the Readiness Teams and Change Ambassadors.
“We are happy to welcome the ambassadors to the Change Network and appreciate their role in sharing information with their units,” Mattison said.
All of the Readiness Workshops will be recorded and accessible for viewing with a UW login. Tune in to the “Introduction to Workday” Readiness Workshop.