What’s in a name? Quite a bit for sup orgs!

When Workday goes live, everyone who works for the Universities of Wisconsin will belong to a supervisory organization. Also known as sup orgs, supervisory organizations will provide the structure for reporting and create a giant organizational chart.

Imagine naming every piece of that structure for an organization with more than 40,000 employees!

This challenge required ATP to work with each of the UWs to create meaningful, consistent names at every level. Each sup org name describes a distinct function or purpose at various levels within every university, school, college, and division.

Now ATP has launched a new webpage summarizing sup orgs and the UW naming conventions.

If you work in human resources, perform HR tasks as part of your work, or develop system integrations, you will want to familiarize yourself with the sup org structure. Staff who work in finance will also benefit from a basic understanding of sup orgs.

Looking for more information about sup orgs? The reference page also explains sup org subtypes, reporting levels, and staffing models.