Learn how standardized naming within the Workday organizational structure will help you recognize and understand supervisory organizations, subtypes, and reporting levels at a glance.
Here are the general ATP posts.
ATP All-Stars: Get to know Michael Fay
In this monthly series, we’re introducing the UW staff who make up the Administrative Transformation Program’s all-star roster. This month, we’re sitting down for a Q&A with a resource manager and readiness project manager on the Project Management Team.
Check out what’s changing with Workday data and reporting
What’s one of the most exciting changes coming with Workday? UW staff will be able to complete work and run reports without leaving the system.
Check out what’s changing when we move from UDDS to Workday organizations
This month we explain how supervisory organizations and cost center hierarchies will be used to organize and manage people and money after UDDS is retired.
ATP All-Stars: Get to know Ryan Leavitt
In this monthly series, we’re introducing the UW staff who make up the Administrative Transformation Program’s all-star roster. This month we’re sitting down for a Q&A with a member of the Security Team.
Check out new resources highlighting what’s changing with Workday
The What’s Changing With Workday series will highlight some of the big changes you’ll see when Workday goes live in 2025. First up in our series: a short video highlighting what’s changing with security roles in Workday.
What’s happening with Workday data and reporting
ATP’s Data and Reporting Team has been determining how Universities of Wisconsin staff can best use Workday’s reporting capabilities after go-live.
ATP All-Stars: Get to know Mark Domaszek
In this monthly series, we’re introducing the UW staff who make up the Administrative Transformation Program’s all-star roster. This month we’re sitting down for a Q&A with a member of the Supply Chain Management Design Team.
3 things to know about Workday training
ATP’s Training Team collaborates, evaluates, and draws on experience to create Workday training for UW staff.
ATP All-Stars: Get to know Ramesh Godishala
In this monthly series, we’re introducing the UW staff who make up the Administrative Transformation Program’s all-star roster. This month we’re sitting down for a Q&A with a business systems analyst for the Integrations Team.