Check out hiring, staffing, credit card, and onboarding changes coming with Workday

ATP is here to help you get ready for Workday training.

In just a few minutes, you can learn about the high-level changes coming with Workday. Review the What’s Changing topics to see brief videos or skim printable overviews to get the basics.

To best prepare for training, check out the resources for your role to learn what Workday means for you.

Get started today with the latest topics in the What’s Changing series:

What’s changing with how current employees apply for a UW position

Workday will streamline our current job application process and make it easier to find job openings across the Universities of Wisconsin system.

Who needs to know: All UW faculty and staff

What’s changing with the student hourly hiring process

In the future, UW student information will flow from SIS to Workday. The ability to access this essential demographic information immediately — especially a student’s work-study eligibility — will save time and ensure you have the most current details for applicants.

Who needs to know: Faculty and staff who hire students

What’s changing with onboarding new employees

The onboarding process for faculty, staff, and students will be automated in Workday, including the completion of I-9 forms. This will ensure tasks are delivered in the correct order and in a timely manner.

Who needs to know: Managers and HR staff who onboard new employees

What’s changing with HR and finance staffing and compensation processes

Today, Universities of Wisconsin HR and finance staff communicate informally when staffing and compensation business processes intersect with financial accounting. When Workday goes live in July 2025, these business processes will be formalized, and each required task will trigger the next step.

Who needs to know: HR and finance staff who complete staffing and compensation business tasks

What’s changing with university credit cards  

Learn how Purchase Cards and Shared Liability Cards (currently Corporate Cards) will be reconciled in Workday. This UW-Shared Services video also covers the timing and reconciliation of credit card charges during the cutover period as we transition to Workday.

Who needs to know: Employees who use, approve, or reconcile university credit cards