Your pathway to Workday training starts here

Workday will go live in July 2025, and formal training begins in March 2025 for all Universities of Wisconsin employees.

But if you work in finance, HR, or research administration, you’ll want to begin learning about Workday now — and we’re here to help!

Be Prepared

Everyone’s learning journey will be different. If you served on a focus group or attended Workday Walkthroughs, you’ve already got some fundamental knowledge. Whether you’re ready to build on that knowledge — or taking your first steps to learn about Workday — ATP offers a variety of activities and tools you can use over the next year to learn Workday basics.

From short introductory videos to Workday demonstrations, and larger events to small workshops, there will be opportunities to learn on your own and with your peers. Many of these resources are available now, so you can start on your own pathway to training today!


We recommend you check out these introductory materials in this order:

  1. Subscribe to ATP Touchpoints for monthly news and resource updates.
  2. Take a tour of the ATP website to become familiar with the implementation project and many resources.
  3. The What’s Changing series will introduce you to the key concepts and big changes. Introductory videos, process demonstrations, and printable summaries are available for viewing now and future reference.
  4. Explore other tools like Workday terms, plus some specific to IT, HR, finance, research administration, and data and reporting.
  5. Are you a manager, supervisor, or communicator for your school, department, unit, or division? Check out the Workday Communications Tools you can use to raise awareness about ATP and the Workday implementation with your staff.


If your campus asks you to attend a User Experience Testing (UXT) event between August and October, plan for some hands-on experience in the latest tenant of Workday. You’ll be able to share what you learn with your campus colleagues.

If you’re not a UXT attendee, watch for information from your campus Readiness Team about opportunities for a first look at Workday.


Participate in a workshop geared to your job and work. User labs will begin in spring 2025.


After completing See, Do, and Connect activities, you will be ready to participate in role-based training beginning in March 2025. Office hours and other resources will be available in the months following Workday go-live.